The results of this study could help inform the creation of a mobile instruction lab that students and librarians quickly construct inside any classroom with minimal effort and no software to manage. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Chromebooks as an alternative to the traditional computer laboratory for library instruction in an academic environment. The use and development of multimedia software using Toolbook (Asymetrix Corp.) will be presented with copies of the developed software available. A program developed specifically for multimedia development can facilitate the interactions between sound, videos, and animation more readily, and reduce the programming time required significantly.

A traditional language such as C++ can take extended periods of time to program, possibly hours per minute of program. Multimedia software is not difficult to program however, the ease of programming depends on the authoring language or languages that are used. Educational multimedia software can effectively present a new dimension to traditional computer-assisted instruction (CAI) by adding sound, animation, high-resolution graphics, and live-action video. In dealing with high technology, increasing subject complexity, and rising costs, educators (including plant managers and training personnel) must look to alternative methods of training and teaching.

A fundamental concern of agricultural education is innovation within the teaching process.